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Endir is the first installment of games that will be produced by Lucky Pen Productions. This small but charming game will be one of many produced by Lucky Pen Productions under their lead game developer Jonah Stone. With this being Lucky Pen first game, production is slow but has made amazing progress! A trailer, and more details will be released soon!



You are an old Viking who has seen his fair share of bloodshed. However you escape, and retire to a lonesome valley where you plan on spending the rest of your days. This was the plan till a mysterious being comes to visit, and soon torments you for their own entertainment. Now you must defend your home from various monsters. Using your knowledge of bloodshed, and combat to get you out of this tormented state. 



Endir development pics!

Screenshot (26)_edited_edited.jpg

Wanna support Endir? Click, "Support Endir" to find the Kickstarter campaign!

Other Project


Project_City will be the second game developed by Lucky Pen Productions, and is planned to have a much larger team than the previous game by LPP. This large open world 2D zombie game is set in the city of New York. Its planned to have lots of replayability, and will be a true to heart RPG.

Game director, and creator: Jonah Stone

Where we are right now.

Current project= Endir

Current Status: Development

Endir has made tons of progress through its development, and hopefully a trailer, and release date will be available soon! Kickstarter has been launched! Check it out if you wanna further support Endir!

Production lead: Jonah Stone

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